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Monday, December 29, 2008


Christmas Eve morning, I went to Stanton and hung out with my family. My brother, sister-in-law, and sister came down from Austin. We did some last minute shopping and just hung out. Kelly had a rig move, but would have the evening off and Christmas day so it was worth it! :)

After Kelly came home that evening, we drove to Big Spring and had Christmas with his Mom's family at his Grandparents house. We opened presents and ate dinner. It was really nice because we don't get to see his family very often. Usually just for Christmas so it was nice to spend some time with them. After we finished up there, we went back home and had decided to have our Christmas with each other that night. We opened everything that we got each other. Kelly got me a beautiful diamond necklace with black and white diamonds! I had never seen black diamonds and I really love them! He also got me some really neat wine accessories that were very much needed. Ha! I got him clothes and a wallet. He really needed it! He still had one more present from me, but it was going to have to wait until Christmas day when we went to my parents house because it was hiding there. :)

On Christmas morning, we went to Kelly's dads house. Kelly's mom and brother were there and we opened presents. We visited and had lunch together. It was good to spend time with them. After lunch, we made it to Stanton to see my family. We opened presents again! Kelly got to open his big present from me. I took him into the garage and surprised him with a new BBQ grill! He was pretty excited because he loves to cook steaks and his old grill was getting pretty beat up! After we opened presents we visited and ate dinner.

We had a wonderful Christmas and were glad to share it with everyone we love! I forgot to take pictures, but I do have a couple of Christmas pics of the dogs! Enjoy!

Our wedding is just around the corner. I'm sure I will be posting wedding updates very soon! Stay tuned...

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